Top 5 Places to Propose Your Valentine in Africa

Top 5 Places to Propose Your Valentine in Africa
Top 5 Places to Propose Your Valentine in Africa

Top 5 Places to Propose Your Valentine in Africa. The marriage proposal should be special, personal, and above all romantic. Kate proposes to Prince William Kenya, Sean, and Charlene to engage Elin Nourdigren on a safari in Cape Town and Tiger Woods South Africa. Prince Harry might propose to Roast Chicken over-the-house girlfriend Meghan Markle in London,

But he was at the time in his beloved Africa. Of course, Africa is more than just a safari. If your idea of ​​a romantic stay is a walk on an ancient-deserted white beach with the sound of blue water gently lapping, then Africa has these in abundance.

1.Devil’s pool:


A long experience, swimming at the top edge of Victoria Falls, just before the water curtain sinks 110 meters into the gorge. It takes a rocky walk in the Zambezi and swims to reach the pool before the adrenalin pump slips into the swimming hole.

Those fearless enough to jump to get to the pool and to the shore pushed them by the force of the river, with lip rock cliffs bringing a halt as the raging waters of the Zambezi crash a few feet away.

2.Private Dahabiya Nile Cruise:

Follow in the footsteps of Caesar and Cleopatra. Cruise Egypt’s Nile River on a luxurious boutique Dahabiya sailboat. Either choose to spend the day on your own private sailboat or take a 5 to 7-night cruise at all to see the sights of this majestic river. Breakfast on board with the holiday as we go to Omwan to Kom Ombo Pal.

Here we will visit the Greek-Roman temple at Kom Ombo. The temple construction is fully symmetrical with two gates, two halls, and two sanctuaries dedicated to two different deities that were worshiped in ancient Egypt, the Falcon-headed god Haroeris and the crocodile-headed god Sobek. in Zanzibar:

There’s never more than aboard a traditional Dow sailing vessel in tropical Zanzibar. There’s something truly special about being out in the open water. Used by fishermen for thousands of years, a cruise along the Swahili coast equals a trip back in time.

The palm tree archipelago of Zanzibar lies about 20 miles off Tanzania. It is a locally made spice, idyll of idyllic beaches and it is a sensual paradise of fragrance with the sound of commerce echoing through the Arabic streets of Stone Town.

4.Angama Mara:


The dramatic Kenyan kopje where Streep and Robert Redford gazed. At each other’s eyes in love, today falls under the luxury lodge. You can get the final out of Africa. Treatment by pretending to be in for an intimate picnic for a day. And two at the summit of the kopje. A Maasai naturalist will take you up the hill to unveil an old-world picnic scene. Complete with bubbles and blankets, checked over the bubbly,

There is no reason to go on your bucket list safari to top the majestic animals. And one of the greatest pleasures of life in Africa’s breathtaking landscape. It is a lush and verdant playground for elephants and lions, where the luxury lodge will welcome you like family. The art of picnicking becomes a new favorite pastime. Kenya has inspired writers and travelers for centuries.

5.Treehouse at Lion Sands:

For a super intimate proposal in the middle of the bush. You can beat the CHALKLEY Treehouse in the Lions Sand Game Reserve. Imagine a four-poster bed, high on a stage in a centuries-old Leadwood tree. Surrounded by pillows, sparkling lights, and a million stars.

Lion Sand Lion Sand moved us to Ivory Lodge and treehouses. It was an easy ride with remarkable scenery. Airlink operates daily flights between Johannesburg and Cape Town to Skukuza, which is the capital of Krueger National Park.

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